Weather from Pacifica, California

Westview / Pacific Highlands neighborhood      37.65°N x 122.47°W     700 ft alt.

Pacifica Weather Graphs

The upper graphs on this page display wind, temperature, pressure, and rainfall trends over the past 24 hours, while the bottom two graphs show daily rainfall and temperature for the last 30 days.

Wind Speed Wind Direction Temperature Humidity Barometric Pressure Rainfall Today Rainfall Rate Daily Rainfall Recent Temperatures

(Data uploads once every 5 minutes. This page last refreshed at: 10/5/2024 11:02:00 AM Pacific Time)

foggy Pacifica

Station: Davis Vantage Pro 2

Software: Cumulus version 1.9.4 (1095)

Gauges scripts by Mark Crossley - version 2.4.4

Gauges drawn using Gerrit Grunwald's
Steel Series JavaScript library

Wind Rose drawn using RGraph

Website design: ©2013-2024 Curtis Philips

Pacifica sunset