Weather from Pacifica, California

Westview / Pacific Highlands neighborhood      37.65°N x 122.47°W     700 ft alt.

Today's Almanac:

Dawn: 06:43   Sunrise: 07:10   Sunset: 18:47   Dusk: 19:14
Dawn to Dusk: 12:31    Sunrise to Sunset: 11:37
Moonrise: 09:57   Moonset: 19:59
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

Current Conditions observed at 10/5/2024 11:34:00 AM Pacific Time
(data updated once per minute)

Temperature: 84.7°F
Last-Hour Change: +3.4°F
3-Hour Trend: +3.1°F/hr
Apparent Temperature: 82.3°F
Dew Point: 47.0°F
Wind Chill: 84.7°F
Heat Index: 82.3°F
Humidity: 27%

Latest Wind Speed: 2.0 mph
Beaufort: F1 Light air
Wind Bearing: 79° E
High Gust (10 min.): 9.0 mph
Average Wind (10 min.): 3.0 mph
Average Bearing: 87° E
Wind Run today: 50.3 miles

Barometer: 29.942 in
Rising 0.006 in/hr

Rainfall Today: 0.00 in
Rainfall Rate: 0.00 in/hr
Rainfall Last Hour: 0.00 in
Last rainfall: 2024-09-26 07:09
Consecutive Rain Days: 0
Consecutive Dry Days: 8
Rainfall This Month: 0.00 in
Rainfall This Year: 0.25 in

Weather Station–generated Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change.
Software (Zambretti)–generated Forecast: Fine weather

Pacifica Extremes Today vs. Yesterday
Temperature and Humidity Today's Weather since Midnight Yesterday's 24-Hour Weather Change
High Temperature 84.7 °F at 11:33  78.1 °F at 11:00  °F
Low Temperature 71.0 °F at 02:48 56.8 °F at 05:53 °F
Temperature Range 13.7 °F      --- 21.3 °F      --- °F
High Apparent Temperature 82.9 °F at 11:31  80.7 °F at 11:05  °F
Low Apparent Temperature 67.4 °F at 02:48 54.2 °F at 05:53 °F
Low Wind Chill 69.3 °F at 02:36 56.8 °F at 05:53 °F
High Heat Index 82.3 °F at 11:33 78.1 °F at 11:00 °F
High Humidity 42 % at 02:40  55 % at 00:00  %
Low Humidity 27 % at 11:25 0 % at 03:08 %
Rainfall Today/Yesterday 0.00 in      --- 0.00 in      --- in
Rainfall Rate Max 0.00 in/hr at 00:00 0.00 in/hr at 00:00 in/hr
High Hourly Rainfall 0.00 in at 00:00 0.00 in at 00:00 in
Days Since Last Dry Day 0      --- ---          ---  ---
Days Since It Last Rained 8      --- ---          ---  ---
Highest Gust 12.0 mph at 10:02 10.0 mph at 09:38 mph
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 7.0 mph (F2) at 00:34 4.0 mph (F2) at 10:16 mph
Wind Run 50.3 miles      --- 23.0 miles      --- miles
Dominant Direction 86° E      --- 320° NW      --- °
High Pressure (SL) 29.949 in at 10:56 29.923 in at 12:51 in
Low Pressure (SL) 29.883 in at 04:07 29.761 in at 00:01 in

(Data uploads once each minute. This page last refreshed at: 10/5/2024 11:34:00 AM Pacific Time)

foggy Pacifica

Station: Davis Vantage Pro 2

Software: Cumulus version 1.9.4 (1095)

Gauges scripts by Mark Crossley - version 2.4.4

Gauges drawn using Gerrit Grunwald's
Steel Series JavaScript library

Wind Rose drawn using RGraph

Website design: ©2013-2024 Curtis Philips

Pacifica sunset