Dawn: 06:53 Sunrise: 07:21 Sunset: 17:21 Dusk: 17:49
Dawn to Dusk: 10:56 Sunrise to Sunset: 10:00
Moonrise: 00:17 Moonset: 11:08
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
Temperature: 45.7°F
Last-Hour Change: -1.7°F
3-Hour Trend: -2.1°F/hr
Apparent Temperature: 39.4°F
Dew Point: 32.6°F
Wind Chill: 42.0°F
Heat Index: 45.7°F
Humidity: 60%
Latest Wind Speed: 7.0 mph
Beaufort: F2 Light breeze
Wind Bearing: 106° E
High Gust (10 min.): 10.0 mph
Average Wind (10 min.): 5.0 mph
Average Bearing: 91° E
Wind Run today: 7.9 miles
Barometer: 30.406 in
Steady 0.006 in/hr
Rainfall Today: 0.00 in
Rainfall Rate: 0.00 in/hr
Rainfall Last Hour: 0.00 in
Last rainfall: 2025-01-06 07:20
Consecutive Rain Days: 0
Consecutive Dry Days: 14
Rainfall This Month: 0.19 in
Rainfall This Year: 9.09 in
Temperature and Humidity | Today's Weather since Midnight | Yesterday's 24-Hour Weather | Change | ||
High Temperature | 52.9 °F | at 00:00 | 65.5 °F | at 14:59 | °F |
Low Temperature | 45.7 °F | at 03:30 | 41.5 °F | at 01:20 | °F |
Temperature Range | 7.2 °F | --- | 24.0 °F | --- | °F |
High Apparent Temperature | 47.1 °F | at 00:19 | 60.0 °F | at 15:00 | °F |
Low Apparent Temperature | 39.4 °F | at 03:30 | 35.6 °F | at 05:19 | °F |
Low Wind Chill | 40.4 °F | at 03:29 | 34.2 °F | at 04:17 | °F |
High Heat Index | 52.9 °F | at 00:00 | 65.5 °F | at 14:59 | °F |
High Humidity | 66 % | at 02:02 | 89 % | at 04:12 | % |
Low Humidity | 27 % | at 00:00 | 24 % | at 13:30 | % |
Rainfall | |||||
Rainfall Today/Yesterday | 0.00 in | --- | 0.00 in | --- | in |
Rainfall Rate Max | 0.00 in/hr | at 00:00 | 0.00 in/hr | at 00:00 | in/hr |
High Hourly Rainfall | 0.00 in | at 00:00 | 0.00 in | at 00:00 | in |
Days Since Last Dry Day | 0 | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Days Since It Last Rained | 14 | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Wind | |||||
Highest Gust | 10.0 mph | at 03:07 | 21.0 mph | at 10:35 | mph |
Highest Speed (10 minute average) | 5.0 mph (F2) | at 02:48 | 9.0 mph (F3) | at 11:56 | mph |
Wind Run | 7.9 miles | --- | 103.6 miles | --- | miles |
Dominant Direction | 99° E | --- | 96° E | --- | ° |
Pressure | |||||
High Pressure (SL) | 30.411 in | at 03:03 | 30.389 in | at 23:40 | in |
Low Pressure (SL) | 30.385 in | at 00:34 | 30.127 in | at 00:20 | in |
Station: Davis Vantage Pro 2
Software: Cumulus version 1.9.4 (1095)
Gauges scripts by Mark Crossley - version 2.4.4
Gauges drawn using Gerrit Grunwald's
Steel Series JavaScript library
Wind Rose drawn using RGraph
Website design: ©2013-2024 Curtis Philips