Weather from Pacifica, California

Westview / Pacific Highlands neighborhood      37.65°N x 122.47°W     700 ft alt.

Pacifica Weather: Recent Extremes

This table displays recent weather extremes in Pacifica, first the current month extremes, and to the right the extremes for the entire year to date.

Temperature and Humidity This Month's Extremes This Year's Extremes
Highest Temperature 92.6 °F 1:43 PM on 01 October 92.6 °F 1:43 PM on 01 October
Lowest Temperature 56.8 °F 5:53 AM on 04 October 39.1 °F 9:17 PM on 04 April
Highest Dew Point 64.5 °F 1:48 PM on 02 October 81.1 °F 1:05 PM on 23 September
Lowest Dew Point -33.9 °F 3:05 AM on 04 October -33.9 °F 3:05 AM on 04 October
Highest Apparent Temperature 93.3 °F 1:46 PM on 01 October 95.4 °F 1:05 PM on 23 September
Lowest Apparent Temperature 54.2 °F 5:53 AM on 04 October 32.4 °F 4:00 AM on 02 March
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature 56.8 °F 5:53 AM on 04 October 32.7 °F 7:32 AM on 05 April
Highest Heat Index 89.9 °F 1:46 PM on 01 October 92.9 °F 1:05 PM on 23 September
Highest Minimum 70.3 °F 02 October 70.3 °F 02 October
Lowest Maximum 78.1 °F 04 October 50.7 °F 07 February
Highest Humidity 56 % 8:40 AM on 02 October 100 % 1:54 PM on 01 January
Lowest Humidity 0 % 9:02 PM on 01 October 0 % 9:02 PM on 01 October
Highest Daily Range 22.8 °F 01 October 35.0 °F 30 September
Lowest Daily Range 18.8 °F 02 October 2.9 °F 27 July
Rainfall This Month's Extremes This Year's Extremes
Highest Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr 12:00 AM on 01 October 10.47 in/hr 10:00 AM on 31 January
Highest Hourly Rainfall 0.00 in 12:00 AM on 01 October 0.41 in 9:32 AM on 04 February
Highest Daily Rainfall 0.00 in 01 October 1.34 in 31 January
Highest Monthly Rainfall N/A N/A 4.88 in February
Longest Dry Period 8 days to 04 October 26 days to 20 June
Longest Wet Period 0 days to 01 October 10 days to 25 January
Wind This Month's Extremes This Year's Extremes
Highest Wind Gust 15.0 mph 3:21 AM on 01 October 57.0 mph 3:42 PM on 04 February
Highest Wind Speed 10-min. Avg. 8.0 mph 4:53 AM on 01 October 28.0 mph 3:19 PM on 04 February
Highest Daily Wind Run 86.9 miles 01 October 284.2 miles 04 February
Barometric Pressure This Month's Extremes This Year's Extremes
Lowest Pressure (sl) 29.702 in 4:42 AM on 03 October 29.236 in 3:42 PM on 04 February
Highest Pressure (sl) 29.949 in 10:56 AM on 05 October 30.369 in 12:42 AM on 09 January

(Data uploads once every 5 minutes. This page last refreshed at: 10/5/2024 12:54:01 PM Pacific Time)

foggy Pacifica

Station: Davis Vantage Pro 2

Software: Cumulus version 1.9.4 (1095)

Gauges scripts by Mark Crossley - version 2.4.4

Gauges drawn using Gerrit Grunwald's
Steel Series JavaScript library

Wind Rose drawn using RGraph

Website design: ©2013-2024 Curtis Philips

Pacifica sunset